Parent education programs are offered on a variety of topics and range from one-time workshops to multi-week series. Programs provide parents an opportunity to answer questions and develop new skills in a supportive and confidential environment. Most of our classes are held in a hybrid format, allowing participants to choose between attending classes in person at our Laconia office or virtually, via Zoom, whichever is more convenient. Click Here for our complete fall schedule. Our classes are offered free of charge. On-going support groups via Zoom are also offered. Please look below for detailed descriptions of current and upcoming classes as well as other past programming that is likely to be offered again in the near future. To register, go to To get more information on session dates, please call Tricia T. at (603) 528-0391 or email
“… I loved every class. I had a safe place to grow.” —Parent Education participant
Parenting Programs
Parenting Journey in Recovery
Class meets Tuesdays from 6-8pm, beginning September 10, 2024 (14 Weeks)
Addiction is complicated and difficult to overcome. Parents and caregivers in recovery face the additional challenge of building strong, positive relationships with their children while maintaining sobriety, which can be both rewarding and daunting. Parenting Journey in Recovery provides a valuable source of fellowship and support and enhances awareness of triggers that may bring about relapse. Personal recovery, accountability, positive actions, and hard work are only some of the topics discussed by group members. Participants in this class should have at least 90 days sobriety prior to the start of the class.
For participants who attend in person, dinner will be served at 6pm and on-site childcare may be available if reserved at the time of registration, space is limited.
Nurturing Skills
Daytime and Evening Sessions Available!
In this evidence-based program, parents will learn new beliefs, knowledge, and skills that improve their family’s overall level of functioning. The course is made up of four modules—Developing Empathy and Self-Awareness; Positive Discipline Practices and Techniques; Developing Personal Power and Keeping Kids Safe; and Understanding Children’s Growth and Development. Each module is made up of five to six classes, and incoming parents will be asked to participate in an orientation offered at the start of each module. Once orientation is complete, parents and other caregivers can choose to join us for one module or for the entire series.
Upcoming sessions:
Understanding Children’s Growth & Development
6-Week Module begins September 12, 2024. Daytime and evening sessions available! Thursdays 10-11:30am OR 6:30-8pm.
This Nurturing Skills module focuses on creating a nurturing environment that stimulates children’s overall healthy development. Topics covered include brain development, developmental milestones, creating nurturing routines, and encouraging a growth mindset.
For participants who attend evening classes in person, dinner will be served at 6pm and on-site childcare may be available if reserved at the time of registration, space is limited.
Developing Empathy & Self-Awareness
6-Week Module begins November 7, 2024. Daytime and evening sessions available! Thursdays 10-11:30am OR 6:30-8pm.
This Nurturing Skills Module helps caregivers better understand what empathy is, how it can build connection, and why it is important in nurturing children. Topics covered include recognizing & understanding feelings, helping children learn to cope with uncomfortable feelings, what happens in the brain when it is responding to stress, techniques for expressing anger, and healthy communication.
For participants who attend evening classes in person, dinner will be served at 6pm and on-site childcare may be available if reserved at the time of registration, space is limited.
Positive Discipline Practices & Techniques
Winter 2025
This Nurturing Skills Module focuses on discipline which is based on respect, empowerment, caring and cooperation. Learn the power of non-violent discipline practices and techniques including redirection as well as natural & logical consequences.
Developing Personal Power & Keeping Kids Safe
Winter 2025
This Nurturing Skills Module focuses on personal power and making good choices. Attendees will learn positive ways to manage behavior and examine choices that keep all members of the family safe and healthy. Additional topics to be covered will include children’s self-worth and handling power struggles.
A Book Study of ‘The Explosive Child’ by Dr. Ross Greene
Class meets Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm, beginning September 17, 2024 (6 Weeks)
In his book, “The Explosive Child”, Dr. Ross Greene explains his research-based approach to addressing challenging behaviors, which is grounded in a collaborative and proactive problem-solving framework, giving children a voice and empowering them to be part of the solution rather than merely the recipient of a punishment. Don’t let the title of this book fool you…Dr. Greene’s techniques are effective with all children, whether they handle their frustration “explosively” or not.
For participants who attend in person, dinner will be served at 6pm and on-site childcare may be available if reserved at the time of registration, space is limited.
Cooperative Co-Parenting Through Separation or Divorce
Class meets Wednesdays from 6-8pm, beginning September 18, 2024 (8 Weeks)
This program helps separated/divorced parents shield their children from parental conflict. Parents learn to guide their children through the process of recovery while establishing a cooperative long-term relationship with the other parent. This program educates parents on the impact their conflict has on their children, and teaches parents the practical skills they need to manage anger, increase impulse control, resolve conflict and talk to each other without arguing. While co-parents are welcome to take this class together, it is not required.
For participants who attend in person, dinner will be served at 6pm and on-site childcare may be available if reserved at the time of registration, space is limited.
A Book Study of ‘Parenting in the Screen Age: A Guide to Calm Conversations’ by Delaney Ruston, MD
Class meets Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm, beginning October 29, 2024 (8 Weeks)
Classes will be based on the book, ’Parenting In the Screen Age: A Guide for Calm Conversations’. This guide shows you how to start — and sustain — productive family talks about technology. Topics include: Talking about screen time without making your child defensive; online social cruelty, sexting, and mental health, boundaries around video gaming, and social media & screen time limits.
For participants who attend in person, dinner will be served at 6pm and on-site childcare may be available if reserved at the time of registration, space is limited.
Nurture Hope
Class meets Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm, beginning October 16, 2024 (8 Weeks)
An educational series for parents with children who have special needs and health challenges, this program is designed to help families explore their hopes and fears, develop effective parenting skills, enhance communication, develop strategies for facing challenges and recognize opportunities for celebration. Topics include: appropriate parental expectations, empathic awareness of the feelings & needs of children, effective discipline strategies, family rules, effective communication, stress & coping techniques for parents & children, and personal power & independence.
For participants who attend in person, dinner will be served at 6pm and on-site childcare may be available if reserved at the time of registration, space is limited.
Other Classes Likely to be Offered in the Future Include…
Active Parenting for Stepfamilies
Email for next session dates.
Learn how to create harmony & stability in your stepfamily while raising responsible, courageous children. Topics include: blending
family histories, traditions & values, coping with loss and encouraging healthy grieving, establishing parental authority using nonviolent
discipline techniques that work, improving communication and building new relationships based on respect & trust, teaching
responsibility, cooperation & other important values, preventing or stopping problems such as loyalty conflicts & power struggles and
setting boundaries that work for your whole family.
Active Parenting of Teens
Email for next session dates.
Active Parenting of Teens, a six-week series, will give parents of middle and high school students the guidance and support needed to turn the challenges of raising a teenager into opportunities for growth. Topics include: methods of respectful discipline, skills for clear, honest communication, strategies to prevent risky behavior, how to be an encouraging parent, and issues such as teens on-line, bullying and depression.
Families in Recovery
Email for next session dates.
In this series, participants will strengthen their recovery while exploring their childhood experiences, their fears, their strengths, and the effects of substance abuse on themselves and their families. Participants will develop self-awareness and build nurturing skills through a variety of activities. They will also explore their own process of development as adults in recovery and examine the parallels and differences in the development of their children. This series is appropriate for parents/caregivers who are in treatment and/or recovery for Substance Use Disorder as well as partners or extended family members who may be caring for their children. Classes will be facilitated by staff from the Family Resource Center and Navigating Recovery of the Lakes Region.
Financial Foundations: Building Blocks for Success
Email for next session dates.
4-Part Series, Choose any or all
Session 1: Needs, Emotions, Money and How They are Connected
Session 2: Identifying & Changing our Financial Behaviors
Session 3: Turning Dreams into Goals & Plans
Session 4: Budgeting Basics
One-Page Profiles
Email for next session dates.
Every child has unique strengths, learning styles, and needs. Help educators uncover what makes your child special by creating a one-page profile. No one knows your child better than you! Highlight what makes him shine and what kind of support is most helpful.
Parenting Journey
Email for next session dates.
A 12-week curriculum designed for parents who want to learn more about themselves, their relationships, and the resources they need to effectively parent their children. In a warm and nurturing environment, parents are supported and encouraged to care for themselves and each other while participating in a series of experiential exercises.
Parenting Journey II
Email for next session dates.
Parenting Journey II is designed for those who want to follow-up on what they learned in Parenting Journey I and/or Sober Parenting Journey. Building on strengths, participants will be guided to identify the steps needed to help them reach their dreams for their family’s future. Through a combination of hands-on activities and guided discussions, participants will learn how to set and achieve personal and family goals, and how to create and maintain positive new behaviors.
Parenting a Second Time Around
Email for next session dates.
This series is intended to support grandparents and other relatives who are parenting…again! Topics include: child development, discipline & guidance, caring for yourself as a caregiver, rebuilding a family, living with teens, legal issues and advocacy.
Parenting with Resilience
Email for next session dates.
Learn about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) and how trauma can effect children’s development and behavior. Caregivers will learn strategies to build their own ability to persevere through tough times, as well as techniques for encouraging resilience in children.
Positive Solutions for Families
Email for next session dates.
Designed for parents of preschool-aged children (2 and-a-half to 5 years), participants will learn how to promote children’s social & emotional skills, understand children’s problem behavior, and use positive approaches to help children learn appropriate behavior. Topics include: building relationships, play, clear expectations, managing emotions, promoting positive behavior & building routines.
The Right Question
Email for next session dates.
Enhance your ability to partner with educators on your child’s behalf. Sharpen your ability to generate questions and participate effectively in decisions using the “Question Formulation Technique”. These skills will strengthen your ability to support, monitor, and advocate for your child.
A Book Study of ‘Siblings Without Rivalry’ by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
Email for next session dates.
For many parents, sibling rivalry can be one of the biggest and most continuous challenges we face. Learn more about what leads brothers and sisters to interact in the ways that they do. Get tips for empowering children to change their relationships for the better.
Tenant 101
Email for next session dates.
Do you have poor or negative landlord references? Do you want to work on changing them? Come learn how to be the best tenant you can be. Topics include what to look for in an apartment, how to complete a rental application, what to expect in an interview, evaluating whether or not an apartment is affordable, landlord/tenant rights, the eviction process, and being a good neighbor.
A Book Study of ‘The Whole Brain Child’ by Daniel J. Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson
Email for next session dates.
Based on the New York Times Bestseller by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson, this class will cover twelve revolutionary strategies to nurture your child’s developing mind. Learn the science of how a child’s brain is wired, how it matures and how you can apply this knowledge to everyday parenting. The Whole Brain Child will teach you how to cultivate healthy emotional and intellectual development so that your children can lead balanced, meaningful, and connected lives.
Your Money, Your Goals
Email for next session dates.
This 9-week series will help participants learn strategies to better manage their money, increase financial fitness, and meet personal financial goals. Topics covered include: generating and protecting your income, understanding credit, banking basics, smart borrowing, safe debt management, & understanding taxes.
Ongoing Programs & Support Groups
Family Ties Inside Out Support Groups for Children with Incarcerated Parents & Their Caregivers
Groups offered at various dates & times, see flyer in link above.
Incarceration affects the whole family. Children of incarcerated parents and their caregivers need support. The Family Ties Inside Out Project is here to help with a number of new virtual support groups. Groups will be offered for preschool-aged children (3-4 years); elementary school children (5-9 years); middle schoolers (10-13 years), high schoolers (14-18 years) and adult caregivers.
Children of incarcerated parents and their caregivers need to know they’re not alone! Join us for a safe place to feel supported, offer understanding to others, process feelings and learn how to cope with them. Children’s groups will do all of this through games, stories & other playful activities appropriate for their developmental level.
All support groups will be held via Zoom. All participants will receive a $20 Walmart Gift Card for each session they attend.
Kinship Caregiver Support Group
Meets on the last Monday of each month from 12:00-1:00pm.
Parenting is tough; parenting a second time can be even harder. This group aims to bring grandparents and other relative caregivers together to celebrate successes, mourn losses, problem solve for the hard times, and give support to one another. We hope you can join us to hear from other kinship caregivers and learn more about resources and opportunities that are available in your community. This program is sponsored by the Family Resource Center of Central NH and the Greater Tilton Area Family Resource Center.
Family Leadership Council
Are you interested in providing valuable input and playing an important role in enhancing the supports offered through the Family Resource Center? Please consider joining the Family Leadership Council. The Council consists of parents, grandparents, and other caregivers that have been or are currently being supported by the FRC. Members are called upon to assist staff with family events, advocacy, and outreach. We look forward to hearing from you.
For more information, call Carol at 581-1565 or email