Kinship Navigation Program

Kinship LogoThe Kinship Navigation Program links grandparents and other relative caregivers, both inside and outside of the formal child welfare system, to the services and supports specific to their family’s needs. Kinship Navigators provide emotional support, education and guidance to relative caregivers, and offer information, referral, and follow-up services to promote independence and enhance the well-being of the families they serve. Kinship Navigation Program participation is free and voluntary and open to grandparents and other relative caregivers who are raising a child/children in the absence of the child/children’s biological parents.

More information can be found on the New Hampshire Children’s Trust website, as well as the resources below:


Kinship Brochure

Kinship Relative and Caregiver Guide

Kinship Program Guide

Kinship Support Group Flyer


“As much as I love caring for my grandson, it is costly and hard work. My Kinship Navigator helped support me so I could support him.”


Referral Form (Word Version)

Referral Form (PDF Version)

For more information, contact the Kinship Team by email, or by phone –  Amanda Lewis, (603) 581-1573.