Legislative Update 3/22/2015 – House Finance Dramatically Reduces BDS Budget

state houseThe House Finance Committee, Division III has nearly completed their work on the state budget. Division III was responsible for the Department of Health and Human Services’ budget. The following are changes (from the Governor’s proposed budget) the committee has recommended to the full Finance committee. The House Finance committee (as a whole) will vote on the entire budget on Monday, March 23. The NH House votes on the entire budget on April 1. After the NH House Votes on the budget, it goes on to the NH Senate.

The following reductions will mean that the waiting lists for DD, ABD and IHS will increase dramatically over the next two years. In addition, the 11,000 families who benefit from Family Support will see services such as respite care or environmental modification reduced or eliminated. It also means that some current services may be reduced or eliminated.

Medicaid and Family Support Funding: The Developmental Disability, Acquired Brain Disorder, In Home Support and Family Support budgets have been reduced by a total of $26 million in general funds (State funds) or $52 million in total funds (State and Federal). In addition, the 3 Medicaid Waiver programs or accounts will consolidated into a single account.

What is Next? 

Lakes Region Community Services will hold a budget information session in early April. The date will be finalized this week. Please make a point to attend, we will:

  • provide you updated information about the budget cuts and share how they will impact you, your family, the person(s) you support;
  • provide you information about how you can make a difference.

The Senate Finance Committee will hold a public hearing in April. It is important for those impacted by the House Budget to share their story so the budget the Senate finalizes restores these cuts.

LRCS will notify you via e-mail, phone, Facebook and our website once the date for the information session is finalized.

If you have any questions, please contact Karen McDowell or myself at 524-8811 or email legislativeinfo@lrcs.org.

Thank you!

Christine L. Santaniello
Executive Director