Community Exhibit Raises Profile for Local Artist

Local Artist Javier Kiman recently wrapped up a month-long exhibit at the Pease Library in Plymouth. Javier’s paintings were on display at the library during the month of October.

Javier, along with his family and friends were present for a reception at the library where people who enjoy Javier’s art gathered to meet him and talk to him about his work. Family members traveled from as far away as Israel to attend the exhibit, which was sponsored by the Young Ladies Library Association.

Javier’s artwork is featured on the cover of the 2018 Lakes Region Community Services Annual Report and he was among several artists showcased at the 2018 LRCS Annual Celebration entitled “LRCS and the Arts.” “Lots of people attended the exhibit,” said Denis Breton, LRCS Self-Directed Services Representative. “Javier has a unique style of art that many people like.”

By participating in the LRCS Self-Directed Services option, Javier’s family has connected him with art teachers, consultants and others who work with him and help Javier to develop his natural talent and grow the business end of his creative passion.

Javier is a member of the Artistic Roots art studio in Downtown Plymouth. He prints and sells notecards and calendars with his original artwork and has also published a book featuring his art and poetry. To view more photos of Javier’s paintings visit Javier Kiman.

Javier also sold a painting or two as a result of the exposure he received from his art exhibit!

Comments, questions, and ideas for future blog posts can be sent to:
Joanne Piper Lang, LRCS VP Development

There will be no Giggles & Grins Playgroup on Thursday, December 5th.