Spotlight on Living Life as an Artist

Javier Kiman Artist

Javier displays his art at the 2018 LRCS Annual Celebration.

At this year’s Annual Celebration titled “LRCS and the Arts” — Lakes Region Community Services celebrated the talent and creativity of many individuals who receive services from the agency. The cover of the latest LRCS Annual Report features the work of Javier Kiman, one of the event’s featured artists. Javier is a talented young man with a love of art, poetry and music. By utilizing the LRCS Self-Directed Services option, Javier’s family has connected him with art teachers who work with him and help him to develop his natural talent.  Through art, Javier has found a niche and his passion in life.

Javier began painting water colors with the support of a local artist, Suzan Gannett, who is also the president of the non profit gallery-Artistic Roots. Eventually, he worked with a business consultant and artisan to develop a plan for marketing his artwork. Javier learned to scan his original work and design his own “all purpose” personal cards, print them and package them for sale.  Javier now has a website where people can order his art online.  He makes calendars and has published a book of his artwork and poetry. See:

Javier is now a member of the Artistic Root Art Studio in Downtown Plymouth.  As part of his membership, he is able to display his art work there.  He also works at the front desk a few hours a week, where he spends time with customers and fellow artists. “It is so gratifying to see the success Javier is having with his art. He is very talented and his artistic expression touches many people,” commented Denis Breton, LRCS SDS Coordinator.


Comments, questions, and ideas for future blog posts can be sent to: Joanne Piper Lang, LRCS VP Development