Public forums coming up regarding “Step 2” – incorporating Long Term Services and Supports into Medicaid Managed Care – Families, individuals & other stakeholders invited to participate
Teleconferencing from the LRCS Main Office in Laconia is available on August 4th & 20th and may be available for other stakeholder sessions as well. Please contact LRCS Family to Family Coordinator at for more information.
DHHS is gearing up to implement Step 2 of its Medicaid Care Management program for Long Term Services and Supports. The first key phase of this is gathering information from all stakeholders involved with the Long Term Care system about their concerns and their ideas regarding making this large shift. Please consider attending one of the following sessions.
-The Statewide Family Support Council session on Monday, August 4, from 6-8 p.m. at the New Hampshire Hospital, 36 Clinton Street, Concord, NH 03301, in conference rooms A-C. To register, not required, but appreciated, please contact Debra Gibbs at or 271-5143 by August 1.
– Brain Injury Association session: Wednesday, August 13, Holiday Inn, 172 North Main St., Concord, NH
– Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver Specific Forum: NH Department of Health and Human Services, Wednesday, Aug. 27, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., NH DHHS, Brown Auditorium, 129 Pleasant St., Concord.
– Acquired Brain Disorders (ABD) Waiver Specific Forum: NH DHHS, Brown Auditorium, 129 Pleasant St., Concord.
– In Home Supports (IHS) Waiver Specific Forum: NH DHHS, 129 Pleasant St., Concord.
– People First of NH session: NH DHHS, Walker Building, 21 South Fruit St., Concord. 1st floor board room.
There are sessions throughout the state, and while these sessions each specifically target certain groups and request an RSVP, they are all open to the public so you should feel free to attend any of the sessions you wish and give your input.
All statewide sessions are posted on the DHHS web site: