Call Medicaid Managed Care hotline for help with conflict resolution

Providers and caregivers for NH citizens receiving Medicaid services attended the monthly meeting of the Governor’s Commission on Medicaid Care Management, which was held at the LRCS Main Office on Thursday, February 6. Several of those who spoke expressed struggles with Step 1 of Managed Care, which was launched on Dec. 1, 2013. Step 1 of Managed Care covers areas such as medical/acute care, prescription drugs and personal care services for people with physical disabilities. Step 2 of Managed Care, which is currently in the planning stages, will cover the long-term community-based services for people with developmental disabilities currently provided by NH’s Area Agency System.
The NH Department of Health and Human Services encouraged those with ongoing conflicts to call the hotline number that appears at the top and bottom of this page. Commissioners also urged anyone with questions or concerns to contact them at Commissioner Don Shumway’s email
Here is a link to the Commission’s web page:
          DHHS Medicaid Care Management Hotline: 

                   1-800-852-3344, ext. 4344
                Choose the menu option for Medicaid Care Management